The 12th nationwide seminar of the Iranian Nephrology Association, kidney in critical conditions, will be held at Zanjan University of Medical Sciences and Health Services, Rozbeh International Conference Center from October 9, 2024 to October 11, 2024.
Iranian Journal of Kidney Diseases (IJKD)
The Iranian Journal of Kidney Diseases (IJKD), a peer-reviewed journal in English, is the official publication of the Iranian Society of Nephrology. The aim of the IJKD is the worldwide reflection of the knowledge produced by the scientists and clinicians in nephrology. It has been published quarterly since 2007 and every 2 months since January 2011. The IJKD provides a new platform for advancement of the field. The journal’s objective is to serve as a focal point for debates and exchange of knowledge and experience among researchers in a global context. Original papers, case reports, and invited reviews on all aspects of the kidney diseases, hypertension, dialysis, and transplantation will be covered by the IJKD. Research on the basic science, clinical practice, and socio-economics of renal health are all welcomed by the editors of the journal.
Impact Factor: 1.48
Indexed/Abstracted in: SCI Expanded, MEDLINE/PubMed, EMBASE, Scopus, cinhal, CABI, Google Scholar, SID, IranMedex, and IMEMR
Kidney disease and what everyone should know about it: Kidney Function
Kidney disease and what everyone should know about it: Kidney Disease Symptoms
Kidney disease and what everyone should know about it: Kidney Disease Diagnosis
Kidney disease and what everyone should know about it: Common Kidney Disease
Kidney disease and what everyone should know about it: Misconceptions and Facts About Kidney Disease
Kidney disease and what everyone should know about it: Prevention of Kidney Disease
Kidney disease and what everyone should know about it: Diabetes and Kidney Disease
Kidney disease and what everyone should know about it: Poly Cystic Kidney Disease
Kidney disease and what everyone should know about it: Living with a Kidney
Kidney disease and what everyone should know about it: Urinary Tract Infection
Kidney disease and what everyone should know about it: Renal Stone
Kidney disease and what everyone should know about it: Benign Prostate Hyperplasia
Kidney disease and what everyone should know about it: Nephrotic Syndrome
Memorial to Dr. Brenner |
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